solar experts.

Now is the time to shift towards renewable and sustainable sources of energy. Invest in solar and set your business up for the future.


Most Australian businesses are operating while the sun is shining making them the ideal candidates for highly effective solar systems. We specialise in delivering high quality commercial solar systems to power your business.

There’s never been a better time to consider an investment in solar with rising energy costs, the value of STCs declining annually and the increasing levels of volatility in material prices.

Contact our team to understand more about your usage and the best commercial solar options available to maximise your solar investment.

  • Become part of the growing business community investing in environment-friendly assets. As a business owner, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you are doing your part for the planet by generating your own electricity.

  • There has never been a better time to consider going solar. With electricity prices rising in recent years and the cost of solar falling, installing solar is a sound strategy for offsetting your businesses electricity consumption and hedge against future price rises.

  • Going solar is a long term investment that can proof your business from volatile energy prices. With rising energy demands on the grid, you can rest assured knowing your business is not only independent but also able to feed excess power back to the grid.

  • Solar has become a sought after asset in commercial buildings. Not only will an investment in solar decrease your operating cost, it like any other asset can add value to your commercial premises.

  • Small-scale technology certificates (STCs) are a discount that’s applied at the point of sale for solar sytems purchased outright. These are applicable for systems that have a capacity up to 100kWs.

    Larger systems (100kW+) can benefit form the financial incentives offered by the Large-Scale Renewable Energy Target and large-scale generation certificates (LGCs).

    The size and location of your solar system will determine the number of certificates generated and Solar Set will generate and facilitate the STCs/LGCs as part of our turnkey solar solutions.

  • When you don’t use all the solar energy you’ve generated, excess electricity feeds back to the grid and if eligible, you could get paid for it in cents per kWh as a credit on your bill from your electricity provider. These Feed In Tarrifs vary from state to state and are dependant on your electricity provider however, and while the rate has declined in recent years they still offer a compelling reason to invest in solar.

We make solar simple.

We specialise in turnkey solar systems for our clients and manage all aspects of your solar project.

 1. Assessment.

We’ll assess your current usage, determine your future energy needs and assess your sites solar potential.


2. Solar Design & Engineering.

Our solar engineers will design a system that maximises your solar energy production and your savings.


3. Installation & Project Management.

We’ll project manage all aspects of your solar install from approvals, installation and commissioning.


4. Connection.

We’ll manage the application process for all relevant incentives and tarrifs and connect you to the grid.


5. Monitoring & Maintenance.

We’ll assist you to monitor your consumption and output performance and provide reliable, cost efficient maintenance.